Give us 13 seconds of your time,
We'll help you save on your next hotel stay.
Bookervation connects travelers with exceptional hotel accommodation savings. Simply send us your hotel and dates of stay, and we’ll find your best available offer. It’s fast and easy to start.
*We’ll get back to you within a few hours.
Give us 13 seconds of your time,
We'll help you
save on your
next hotel stay.
Bookervation connects travelers with exceptional hotel accommodation savings. Simply send us your hotel and dates of stay, and we’ll find your best available offer. It’s fast and easy to start.
*We’ll get back to you within a few hours.

Save on your next hotel stay.
Bookervation is a new concept in the world of booking platforms, utilizing technology to create a platform that saves on traditional wait-times, while affording even more savings.

No headache
All you need to do is upload your hotel name and dates of stay. We'll scan our databases to help save on your next hotel stay with cold, hard savings.

No wait-time
Bookervation’s unique e-platform allows us to cut out more than 50% of the typical back and forth associated with the industry.

No added fees
Unlike other platforms, Bookervation already calculates all taxes for you, and the savings you see are the savings you receive.

Ridiculously fast.
Reassuringly simple.
Bookervation is a new concept in the world of booking platforms, utilizing technology to create a platform that saves on traditional wait-times, while affording even more savings.

Tell us your plans
Upload the name of your desired hotel and dates of stay,
or, submit a picture of your best hotel offer.
(A pdf and jpeg are both acceptable.)

We find a great rate
We take over and scan to find your best rate.
(This all happens within a few hours.)

You save on your stay!
We’ll reach out to you through WhatsApp or email with your offer attached.

Ridiculously fast.
Reassuringly simple.
Bookervation is a new concept in the world of booking platforms, utilizing technology to create a platform that saves on traditional wait-times, while affording even more savings.

Tell us your plans
Upload the name of your desired hotel and dates of stay,
or, submit a picture of your best hotel offer.
(A pdf and jpeg are both acceptable.)

We find a great rate
We take over and scan to find your best rate.
(This all happens within a few hours.)

You save on your stay!
We’ll reach out to you through WhatsApp or email with your offer attached.
Exclusive hotel savings accessible to all
In a classic industry, Bookervation exists for a new generation of intrepid travelers who are on-the-go, ready to explore the world, and who are also fine saving a buck or two along the way. We connect travelers with their lowest hotel rates yet. It’s that simple.

Optimize your next vacation.
The average amount a Bookervation client saves on their hotel stay.
This translates into anywhere from a few dollars into a few thousand. You’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to save.
Try it for yourself!

For the travelers, professionals, adventurers
(and everyone else)
Send us your preferred hotel and dates of stay, and we’ll get you a great offer. Just a few taps required.
It’s easy and fast to begin.
Contact form

Booking multiple stays?
Bookervation welcomes professionals looking to secure large quantities of accommodations to explore collaborative opportunities with us

We’ve got answers.
Bookervation uses a modern model to cut out typical wait-time and costs associated with a typical travel agency.
We start off with WhatsApp or email. Once you book your offer, we’ll move over to phone conversation.
Once you’ve booked your stay with us, our team is readily available to assist you through phone and other channels. Please feel free to reach out to us!
You don’t pay until you book, so if you don’t book, you don’t pay. It’s that simple.
None at all. All we ask for is your name, the best way to reach you, your preferred hotel and dates of stay so we can help you save.
Each client is different. And while no savings are exactly the same, we can say that our customers walk away very satisfied.
Bookervation (and all booking websites) cannot definitively guarantee savings. However with us, there’s no time or cost involved. It’s a no-brainer to find out!
Yes. Professionals seeking to book many accommodations are welcome to explore collaborative opportunities with Bookervation.